Site pagination and its role in SEO

Site pagination is of a great importance because it prevents the production of duplicate content, and allows search engines to recognize the relationship between a series of pages

Optimizing a website and gaining high rankings in search engines is so important and there are lots of different techniques to achieve it, in addition to these techniques, there are points such as site pagination that you should follow them to optimize the site, also users have the ability to access topics as easily as possible after entering your site, which will ultimately help you with creating a positive user experience.

Site pagination and its role in SEO

What is site pagination?

Site pagination is the division of a document into separate pages, which helps search engines to realize the relationship between a set of paginated pages better and prevents duplicate content production due to the similarity of their topics.

The pagination of a site has different effects on the website SEO , which we will discuss in the rest of this article.

Impact of site pagination on SEO:

When you come across different topics on a site or in online stores we intend to separate different items from each other or in other words site pagination is used. Pagination has a great impact on SEO, because, if we implement site pagination too much in a site, the user will be confused when the user enters your site and is looking for the page she/he wants, because They have to open a lot of links and pages to be able to reach their goal. As a result, user will definitely give up and leave your site and look for the one with less pagination to reach the desired result more quickly.

In other words, by doing a lot of pagination for a site, you will move a way the user’s desired page from the main page, so that it will have negative effects on the website SEO. One of these negative effects is that it reduces the credibility of direct links to your home page, because pages that have a lot of direct links are considered as a valid and source pages, and as a result, search engines get confused in reaching to the main page and its analysis which will be the cause of a decrease in ranking as well as website traffic over time.

In fact, the crawl depth of Google bots is related to the credibility of a site, and if your site contains a lot of content with a lot of pagination, Google bots won’t be able to analyze all the content of the site and ignore a number of pages and contents. When similar topics are brought together on a page, it sends negative signals to Google that the content is duplicated, due to the duplication of the title and meta descriptions.

Duplicate content prevents search engines from selecting your target page to display on the search results page.

On the other hand, due to the fact that Google uses different algorithms, there is a possibility that the site will be penalized due to short and poor quality content. One of these algorithms that we are going to mention is the Panda algorithm , which due to the fact that useless and worthless content was abundantly seen in search results for a while, Google introduced the panda algorithm in order to solve this problem as soon as possible.

It has been created in order to fight against short, low-quality and low-value content, so that the user can achieve attractive and rich content in search results. According to the points we have mentioned, in order to optimize a site through the pagination, we must observe the following points.