What is an external link building?

External links are a great way to connect and link in the world of content, digital marketing, and posting your content.

External links are the hyperlinks that point to a domain other than the domain in which the link is located. Summarizing the concept in easy words, if another website refers you, it is considered an external link to your site. Likewise, if you link to another website, that will also be regarded as an external link.

What is an external link building?

It should be noted that the most important goal of all websites is to gain high rankings in search engines . One of these strategies is to get positive feedback from Google and prove that the site is valuable to google. One of the ways to achieve this goal, is to create external and internal links. In this article we are going to explain external linking.

The words that are usually displayed by a different color in the text or underlined ones which attract attention, are the anchor texts, which by clicking on them, we will move to a new page. Anchor text is considered as one of the most important activities for website optimization called internal linking and external linking. Of course, SEO experts believe that external links are a better source for gaining high ranking in search engines because search engines value external links more.

The general concept of external links:

An external link is actually a link that refers to an external domain. In other words, we can say that the links you receive from other websites are actually external links, and also if someone else has linked to your site. The fact is that they also receive external links from your site, which in fact increases the value and credibility of the website because Google believes that the opinion of others is much more important than the opinion that you have about your website.

To be able to rank a website on Google in 2021, you should not neglect the value of linking and the need of developing a strategy that will help you get high quality and valuable links. Simply put, links are one of the most important ranking factors.

Of course, it should be noted that one of the most difficult parts of ranking a website is external link building , which you should look at each external link as a vote.

external link

A number of types of external links:

Editorial backlinks:

Editorial backlinks , when another website visits and links to your website in the form of quality content and links to your site.

Guest blogging backlinks:

Guest blogging backlinks is the process of writing a weblog for other websites that are published. This is a way to get backlinks from weblogs to your website in exchange for receiving an article.

Backlinks in business profiles:

Backlinks in business profiles include creating digital profiles for your brand on business listing websites and social media with the ability to send backlinks.

Backlinks from webinars:

Backlinks from webinars lead users to an online presentation.

Free-tool backlinks:

Free-tool backlinks include providing a valuable tool for free to attract users and increase website traffic

Acknowledgment backlinks:

Acknowledgment backlinks are tools that identify where competitors are getting their backlinks from and can help you identify potential opportunities to gain your approval.

Guest post bio backlinks:

Guest post bio backlinks have a positive effect on website SEO , the importance of this backlink becomes more apparent, when a website that has accepted guest blogging does not allow linking to the content.