What is Google Lighthouse?

The quality of a website affects its ranking, so that website owners try to create a quality site, there is a tool to measure the quality of the site which is called Google Lighthouse.

Google search engine makes a lot of efforts with the help of bots and algorithms to find the best quality sites and create a positive user experience for users through them by viewing quality websites in the Google search results page, that each of them can be good answers to their questions, the way Google algorithms work is different, and the factors that each of them evaluates are not the same as each other, and they rank websites according to their factors, however, Google has introduced many tools through which various factors can be measured on the site, one of these tools is Google Lighthouse , through which you can measure the credibility of a site, which we will learn more about in this article.

What is Google Lighthouse?

What is Google Lighthouse?

Google Lighthouse is one of the free tools of Google that helps a lot in improving the site and analyzes the site page experience and provides important tips to improve it. In simpler terms, a site should be good enough to attract users, so you should evaluate each of its parameters, Google Lighthouse is provided to analyze factors such as speed, performance, security, SEO, accessibility, and etc., so that you can obtain accurate information with just a few clicks through this tool.

Which factors does Google Lighthouse evaluate?

Google Lighthouse generally focuses on five factors including, Performance, Best Practices, Accessibility, SEO, and PWA. In fact, Lighthouse with a 1 to 100 rating system, lets you evaluate your site pages which helps your improvement, so you can attract more visitor to your website, another criterion that has a great impact on the ranking is the loading speed of a site, which can be analyzed through this tool.

As you know, the low loading speed of pages has a negative effect on the site ranking, this problem can be solved through this tool, it generally provides website owners with good information about the performance and quality of the site. As we mentioned above, it evaluates five factors which we will discuss them more detailed in the following section.

1- Performance:

In this section, the page loading speed is observed and evaluated, and all the factors which affect the speed are being analyzed in this part.

It generally analyzes 6 speed criteria:

- First Meaningful Paint:

Indicates how long it takes for the user to see the main content of the page.

- First Contentful Paint:

As the name implies, this factor is the time it takes for the first photo and text to be displayed for the user.

- Speed Inex:

This factor determines the speed at which content is displayed during loading.

- Time to Interactive:

This factor shows the time when the user can fully interact with the page and its content.

- First CPU Idle:

This factor determines when there is a lack of activity on the page.

- Estimated Input Latency:

If the user access time is more than 50 seconds, the site is very slow, in general, once you are provided with this information, there are ways to improve the speed factor. Among the things that this tool offers to speed up the page loading speed, you can change the size and form of photos on the site, compress the existing text, select a photo with smaller sizes, compress CSS and disable the ones among those that cannot be used, reducing the time it takes for servers to respond, getting help from timing tests, reducing the time it takes for content to be uploaded, and so on.